Overview of the cost of living in the United Kingdom
The cost of living in the UK is about 30% more expensive than in France! Housing will probably take up the largest part of your budget. Museums, cultural sites and attractions are also expensive, although national museums are free. If you are a student, you may be able to get small discounts.
For your expenses, rent and bills, allow for a minimum of €850 per month (€950 in London and the South East of England).
Some prices in the UK
La Livre sterling (£), la monnaie du Royaume-Uni, est plus forte que l’euro.
The pound sterling (£), the currency of the United Kingdom, is stronger than the euro.
- 1 £ = 1.29 €
- 10 £ = 12.9 €
- 50 £ = 64.5 €
Methods of payment
For your purchases in the UK, please use your credit card as the preferred method of payment. International cards are accepted in most hotels, restaurants and shops, especially in major cities. But always carry cash with you in case something unexpected happens. You can withdraw cash from the many ATMs found throughout towns and cities. They accept almost all international Visa and Mastercard cards.
However, if you are planning to settle in the UK for a long period of time, it is best to open a bank account. The formalities are quite simple and the banks are numerous.
Telephone and Internet
The most convenient and economical way to communicate is to get a local SIM card. You can buy them from the operator's shops. A subscription can also be an advantageous option, especially for long stays. We advise you to take your time and compare operators' offers in order to choose the one that best suits your use of the phone.
If you need to call from one of the famous red phone booths, you will be charged 11p per minute. It will be more expensive if you call a foreign mobile number.
You won't have any trouble connecting to the Internet, wherever you are!
In large cities, you will easily find Internet cafes, although they are becoming increasingly rare. You will also be able to access the Internet in libraries, train stations and airports thanks to multimedia terminals.
In the United Kingdom, most establishments (restaurants, bars, shopping centres, hotels, hostels, libraries, etc.), particularly in the big cities, offer free Wi-Fi access. You can therefore be connected to your friends and family at any time and share your trip.
Tipping in the UK is essential: forgetting it is very frowned upon! It is customary to tip 10-15% in restaurants and taxis. Some restaurants systematically include service in the bill.
However, Scotland has nuances.
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