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Working in Netherlands

Pays-Bas - ENG

Emplois & Stages

As a result of the global crisis, which has had a strong impact on economic growth in the Netherlands, the labour market has seen many job losses and consequently an increase in the unemployment rate.

However, with 0.5% less unemployment, it can be said that the Netherlands is starting to get back on track and opportunities to work in the Netherlands are beginning to present themselves. Foreigners who want to work in the Netherlands can now apply for jobs in various sectors, including services, agriculture or food processing. These sectors have great potential and are also the backbone of the country's economy.

If you are a systems analyst, programmer, salesperson or sales representative, the Netherlands is ready to help you! The number of vacancies for these positions far exceeds the demand.

A word of advice: it is important to have a basic knowledge of Dutch and a good level of English to find a job in the Netherlands.

working in netherlands

Salary and employment contract

In general, working conditions in the Netherlands are the same as in France and the rights of employees are preserved and respected through the employment contract. Employers offer fixed-term or permanent contracts according to their needs, and sometimes even oral employment contracts (which is actually legal!). Nevertheless, it is preferable to have a written contract in order to work under good conditions in the Netherlands.

Night and weekend work is paid overtime.

Student job

It is not difficult to find a student job in the Netherlands, especially in the hotel, restaurant and floriculture sectors. It is also possible to work part-time in the Netherlands in one of the call centres, always looking for French-speaking profiles. You can look at the advertisements on job sites and in newspapers, or contact the "uitzendbureaus" employment agencies.

  • Minimum monthly wage 1 495,20 €
  • Unemployment rate of under-25 : 11.2% (December 2015)
  • Overall unemployment rate 6,9 % (2015)

Stage Internship

If you are studying at a university of applied sciences, you will have no problem because internships are recurrent. On the other hand, at the classical universities, it is rarer and the internship usually takes place during the summer, between 2 and 5 months.

However, you should be aware that the internship is not viewed in the same way in the Netherlands as it is in France. The French trainee has the same status as an employee and is considered to be doing the same work. In the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the trainee is there to learn and discover the world of work without really adding value to the company. As a result, internships are often poorly paid and the assignments given are rarely of great responsibility.

Steps to follow

French students can do up to 6 months of internship in the Netherlands. Since they are European citizens, they are exempt from visa or work permit requirements. However, if a student stays more than 4 months in the Netherlands, he or she will have to register with the local authorities.

The minimum wage

It was €8.36 gross in July 2014, i.e. €1,495.20 gross/month. However, the minimum wage is not intended for trainees, who may therefore not be paid for their traineeship. However, companies tend to provide some allowances (just under €400) or reimburse part of the transport costs.

Hours of work

With the exception of certain industrial sectors, you cannot work more than 8 hours a day or more than 40 hours a week in the Netherlands.

Assurance pour les stages

La responsabilité civile est une assurance obligatoire en stage. Elle est souvent exigée dès l’inscription dans la plupart des établissements d’enseignement supérieur. Elle prend en charge, en France et à l’étranger, les dommages corporels, matériels et immatériels que vous pourriez causés à un tiers lors d’un stage ou à l’occasion des activités quotidiennes (sorties, babysitting …). L’assurance Responsabilité civile, se substitue au responsable pour indemniser la victime. A défaut d’assurance, vous devrez vous-même vous charger de l’indemnisation de la victime.

Voici quelques exemples pour lesquels votre responsabilité civile vous couvre :

  • Vous renversez le café sur le PC du voisin ;
  • Vous vous faites voler le matériel prêté par l’entreprise ;
  • Vous bousculez par inadvertance votre collègue qui malheureusement se casse le bras ;

L’individuelle accident, quant à elle, couvre les dommages corporels subis à la suite d’un évènement accidentel.

Avec notre partenaire HEYME, à partir de 13€/an, vous bénéficiez d’une couverture complète, votre contrat prend effet immédiatement et vous recevez votre attestation par email.

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