The labour market in Austria
With an unemployment rate below the EU average (5.1%) and a fairly high GDP per capita, the economic situation in Austria is rather good even though the economy has been stagnating for some time. That being said, the country represents a real opportunity for people looking for work in Austria.
In general, the country's economy is based on services, industry (chemical, paper...) in addition to tourism.
In order to find a job in Austria, it is therefore necessary to target these sectors and even more specifically the following professions:
- Cook
- Advertising professional
- Sales Representative
- Salesman
- Computer expert
- Civil Engineer
- Business Agent

This list is of course not exhaustive, as there are other professions and sectors that are also recruiting. Last but not least, a command of the German language is essential to find a job in Austria!
Another reason to work in Austria is the good working conditions. According to the Austrian labour agreement, working hours are 40 hours a week, and any overtime is compensated. Paid holidays are 25 days per year. This does not include maternity and parental leaves.
On the salary side, you should know that there is no legal minimum wage, as it varies according to the sector and experience. The average gross salary per month is 2549€, which is higher than the average French salary.
As in other European countries, all positions are formalized by a written employment contract, in order to guarantee employees' rights.
Student job
Studying in a foreign country always means extra expenses. That's why it's always very advantageous to find a small job in Austria to supplement your income.
To get started, check with your university's international relations department. They may need some help, if not they may be able to direct you to the right place. After that, try to get word of mouth going and prepare a good CV to get a feel for the companies you're interested in. Don't hesitate to highlight your foreign language skills, your adaptability and your know-how.
The most popular website for finding a student job in Austria is Job Wohnen.
What student job to do in Austria?
Students can work in Austria, especially in the catering industry. Especially as the jobs of waiters and kitchen helpers are in high demand. These jobs also allow you to have a more flexible schedule and to continue your studies in Austria with peace of mind.
How much does a student job pay?
As you know, there is no minimum wage in Austria. It is up to you to put forward your skills to obtain a salary that should correspond to the equivalent of our French minimum wage for example.
Do an internship in Austria
To do an internship in Austria, the procedure is almost identical to that in France. In principle, you won't have any formalities to worry about, as Austria is part of the Schengen area.
To find an internship in Austria, it is essential to speak good German.
Below is a link to the most popular sites for finding a job in Austria :
- Karriere
- Kurier
- Wiener Zeitung Online
- Vorarlberger Nachrichten
- JobPilot
- StepStone
Assurance pour les stages
La responsabilité civile est une assurance obligatoire en stage. Elle est souvent exigée dès l’inscription dans la plupart des établissements d’enseignement supérieur. Elle prend en charge, en France et à l’étranger, les dommages corporels, matériels et immatériels que vous pourriez causés à un tiers lors d’un stage ou à l’occasion des activités quotidiennes (sorties, babysitting …). L’assurance Responsabilité civile, se substitue au responsable pour indemniser la victime. A défaut d’assurance, vous devrez vous-même vous charger de l’indemnisation de la victime.
Voici quelques exemples pour lesquels votre responsabilité civile vous couvre :
- Vous renversez le café sur le PC du voisin ;
- Vous vous faites voler le matériel prêté par l’entreprise ;
- Vous bousculez par inadvertance votre collègue qui malheureusement se casse le bras ;
L’individuelle accident, quant à elle, couvre les dommages corporels subis à la suite d’un évènement accidentel.
Avec notre partenaire HEYME, à partir de 13€/an, vous bénéficiez d’une couverture complète, votre contrat prend effet immédiatement et vous recevez votre attestation par email.