Labor market
If you want to work in France, know that the market is doing quite well, unemployment was 9.2% in the 1st quarter of 2018. Permanent Contracts are very common and are up by 14.3% over one year. A strong increase can be noted in the fields of construction (+ 37%) and industry (+ 27%). In general, the big cities (Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, etc.) are the ones with the most job offers, especially in the industrial and service sectors.
Top 5 hiring sectors :
- Transport and logistics
- Construction and public works
- Business services
- Distribution
- Banks and Insurance
Salaries and regulations
In France, the hourly minimum wage was €9.88 in 2018, the minimum wage per month is €1,148, the average net salary is €2,250
The legal working time per week is 35 hours, the maximum weekly working time is 48 hours.
Any employee or apprentice under the age of 18 is subject to reduced working hours.
Examples of average wages
- Cashier : 1000€
- Salesman: 1800€
- Marketing manager : 3792€
- Executive officer : 4140€
- Generalist practitioner : 6000€
Student jobs
If you are a European (except young Croatian) or Swiss student, you can stay and access a student job freely in France.
If you are a student outside the European and Swiss area, you must have either a long-stay "student" visa or a temporary residence permit marked "student", in order to work in France.
A foreign student outside Europe can work up to 60% (50% for Algerians) full time (964 hours per year), and his employer must declare his employment at the prefecture he depends on.
Searching for a student job
Having a student job can allow you to finance your studies or make some pocket money for your outings and hobbies. Be careful however, it is advisable to have a job that does not exceed 16h / week so it won’t bother your studies! Your university should have student job offers, if not, jobboards or newspapers can greatly help you! Often it is small shops or large surfaces or fast food that seek versatile staff. You can also give tutoring lessons to other students or to children, especially if you are a foreigner and want to transmit your language! You can also be a messenger, delivery person, babysitter ... there are no "predefined" jobs for students, you can practice any profession!
A student job is often paid at the minimum wage of € 9.88 / h. There are some exceptions for tutoring, the remuneration can reach 10 to 20 € / h depending on the level you’re teaching, as well as nightshift jobs.
Doing an internship in France
The internship is a common practice in France and you can do it in almost any company related to your sector. The same regulations are applied in the public, private or associative sectors. Internships can only be done if an agreement is signed between the company, the host establishment and the intern.
An internship cannot exceed 6 months per scholar year. On the other hand, if the internship is divided (eg alternating rhythm) during a school year, its duration is 924 hours maximum over the year.
Remuneration is not requested if the internship lasts less than 2 months. Beyond 2 months or from the 309th hour included, the minimum gratuity is € 3.75 / h.
Assurance pour les stages
La responsabilité civile est une assurance obligatoire en stage. Elle est souvent exigée dès l’inscription dans la plupart des établissements d’enseignement supérieur. Elle prend en charge, en France et à l’étranger, les dommages corporels, matériels et immatériels que vous pourriez causés à un tiers lors d’un stage ou à l’occasion des activités quotidiennes (sorties, babysitting …). L’assurance Responsabilité civile, se substitue au responsable pour indemniser la victime. A défaut d’assurance, vous devrez vous-même vous charger de l’indemnisation de la victime.
Voici quelques exemples pour lesquels votre responsabilité civile vous couvre :
- Vous renversez le café sur le PC du voisin ;
- Vous vous faites voler le matériel prêté par l’entreprise ;
- Vous bousculez par inadvertance votre collègue qui malheureusement se casse le bras ;
L’individuelle accident, quant à elle, couvre les dommages corporels subis à la suite d’un évènement accidentel.
Avec notre partenaire HEYME, à partir de 13€/an, vous bénéficiez d’une couverture complète, votre contrat prend effet immédiatement et vous recevez votre attestation par email.